Well.. 8 days later I took a test (being the patient person I am). The line was so faint I thought I was crazy… so I waited until the next day. The next day I couldn't deny it. The line was so light but it was there. I was so excited but immediately fear and anxiety crept back in because I had light lines before.. I never dark lines which signaled a healthy pregnancy. I tracked tests like a crazy person to make sure they were darkening and they did. I asked for blood work anyway to calm myself down. My first beta level at 12 DPO (days past ovulation) came back at 186. To put this into comparison, with my failed pregnancy my level at 14 DPO had been 24. HUGE difference. I went back one more time at 15 DPO and I only needed to have roughly 450 in order for it to look healthy. The number that came back was 598.
I didn't post on this blog because I still wanted to make it to 12 weeks first. I knew that there were still things that could go wrong. Every check box has been an amazing gift. From the healthy blood work to my first ultrasound that only showed me that the baby was in fact in my uterus to the first time I saw and heard the heartbeat. Last week we found out that we are having a baby girl! And so far she is looking extremely healthy and active. I will be 16 weeks pregnant on Wednesday and I think that it is finally sinking in that this baby is meant to be and that I am not going to lose her. It's scary because there will always be things that can go wrong… but I am starting to finally relax and enjoy being pregnant even when I feel like crap. Unfortunately, I am starting to have a lot of my old IBS symptoms back which I am sure is just from all the changes happening in my body and the fact that I am off all the medication that helped me with it. She is completely worth it though. I am willing to go through ANYTHING to get this baby here safe and healthy.
Here is a picture of our little girl:
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