

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Memories with Charli: third month

Still playing catch up.. Memories with Charil: Third Month

1. The third month was really hard because Charli started to have a really bad reaction to formula and didn't sleep for 3 days straight pretty much. Really scared mommy and daddy because we didn't know how to help her. Nothing seemed to soothe her for very long and she would wake up out of a dead sleep screaming. Took her to the doctor and we were told it was colic, but we knew that it wasn't. The doctors gave us heartburn medication to help Charli but it didn't help much and she started to eat less and less formula. We would still get smiles in between all of her crying but they were rare. We decided to try goat's milk and it was an immediate change. We were so happy to have something that really finally helped her. During her fussy time, one of the only things that calmed her down was taking a shower with Mom or Dad. Mom was also super worried about going back to work because of how uncomfortable she was.

2. We started to notice a lot more drool and bubbles and even called Charli "bubbles" on occasion.

3. Charli started to get more hair, but it was still pretty light.

4. Charli started sleeping with mom and dad again because we all slept better together when she wasn't feeling good.. especially because she woke up so often.

5. Charli didn't like anything messing with your routine and became very fussy if we did. Mom and dad spent less time going out due to this.

6. Charli started to make some pretty goofy facial expressions.

7. We discovered that Charli liked the lullaby on the globe that Grandma Stocking had given her. We would always play it when she was on her changing table and she would just light up and smile.

Charli at 3 months

All her goofy faces :)

She had the most genuine beautiful smile

Another awesome face!

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