

Monday, January 31, 2011

Short and Sweet.

So, just thought I'd leave a quick update. I don't have time to ponder the universe and come up with something amazing so this is what you get.

My body is still being a pain in the ass. However, I managed to mentally focus myself today and it was a good day. It started our awful, but I was really happy that I could calm my body down and still be successful/happy in school. That gives me hope that without any additional medication I can do that.

On a brighter note, I got some new meds to try today. I'm really hoping they work, but it's hard to say. For some people, it's a miracle.. and for others, well it feels like you might as well be taking sugar pills. I'm hoping I'm on the miraculous side, but it's hard to say at this point. I guess I just need to stay positive and be grateful for what I have in my life. Nobody's life is perfect and although most people don't go through this type of physical pain on a daily basis everyone suffers with something. The point is just to stay focused and keep myself motivated on achieving my goals.

I've also been amazed at my ability to make appointments lately. Lol, it feels like I am making them left and right. Between the two doctors, laila's vet appointment, dentist, hair appointment, and the recall on my car (yes, I have a toyota) I am just loving the productivity. Haha, it sucks being an adult sometimes. I wish I could go back to the age where I just ignored anything as horrifying as a doctor's appointment and put it off as long as possible. I kind of did that with my car though.. that should've been fixed last year. Well, don't worry, as long as I don't die between now and next Thursday at 2:00 pm I think it will be okay.

Kyle and I are also in the process of planning a trip right now, but I think I will post more details on that when we make some more finalized decisions. I love having him in my life; he is definitely a constant spark to keep me going especially when my body seems to be failing me.

I hope everyone had a happy Monday as well. :)


  1. Just stopping in to wish you the best of luck with the new meds. I don't know how it feels myself, but my boyfriend has extreme IBS that cripples his life on the best of days often times. He's tried various meds and the current combination he's on is the best he's ever found....and his life is still heavily controlled by days of illness unfortunately. I wish so much that I could do something for him or that there was a medicine that would make it more tolerable for him, but no dice. :( I'm crossing my fingers that you can adjust to the new meds as painlessly as possible and that maybe they'll be your "miracle drug" after all.

  2. Thanks Jessie. I don't know if they are quite the miracle I am looking for, but they have assisted me. I know that I have a much bigger battle to fight against before I ever feel normal and confident in my life again. I hope your boyfriend finds what works for him as well.
