

Friday, February 18, 2011

Another Quick Update

I hit the halfway mark for this semester today. Thank god! It seems like the longer I am in college the more stupid I become and the harder it is to succeed in my classes. I know that the classes are probably just way more difficult, but wow do I feel dumb on a regular basis. I will be happier than ever when I get through my last difficult semester and can start working full time. I'd much rather work because A) I'll get paid for working my ass off and 2) When I'm off of work I don't have to stay up all night doing homework. I can't wait to have a 3 day weekend so I can HOPEFULLY catch up on homework. Can't guarantee anything because I am the ultimate master of procrastination, but my quality of life over the next two weeks depends on how productive I can be now.

I also get to go see one of my doctors today. Not sure how effective the appointment is going to be, but hey.. you never know. More than likely, I won't get much out of it so I kind of feel like it's a bit of a waste of time. Oh well though. I don't have a lot of faith in doctors because I haven't really been told much that can help me with what I am going through.

I guess as usual in my life, I am waiting for the better future to come along. I'm always looking to feel better, to get in a better situation, etc and as much as it helps to have hope in the future I need to start appreciating life for what it is now. I'll have to work on that because it's not really the best way to live. Before I even realize it, I'm going to be old and wondering what the hell happened to my life. I don't want to be one of those people, ever.

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